
Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Transmigration Still Confident Government Interest

      Assess the government still has a fairly high interest to the transmigration program. This is at least visible of the government's target for the placement of migrants.

During 2011, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration recorded placing as many as 8392 head of the Family (KK) in 2011.Sedangkan migrants this year, diproyeksikansebanyak 9.500KK transmigrants dispatched to various locations transmigration.

To that end, the government accelerates the infrastructure development by intensifying land clearing in 44 cities integrated self (KTM) throughout Indonesia. Construction of road infrastructure in the form of shaft / liaison and rural roads and construction of homes and family latrines and clean water.

"Development in the transmigration intensified to accelerate the availability of services and support facilities in resettlement areas that could be exploited by transmigration to improve their welfare," said Director General for Development of Transmigration Area Development (P2KTrans) Jamaluddin Malik in the Office of Manpower, Jakarta, Friday (8/6 / 2012).

According to him, during 2010-2011, land clearing in the transmigration had reached 13132.25 Ha, consisting of 6390.25 Ha Ha in 2010 and 6742 in 2011. While the infrastructure development of roads have been built along 565, 5 km.

"For the construction of road infrastructure prioritized roads shaft / liaison between the migration and development of rural roads. The number reached 280, 62 and 284 km in 2010, 88 Km in 2011, "Jamaluddin said.

As for the construction of family houses and latrines transmigrants, the Kemnakertrans has built 14 661 units consisting of 7070 units in 2010 and 7591 units. "To complete the clean water needs in the area of ​​resettlement, pemerointah build clean water as much as 3625 units. Although still limited, but clean water is very helpful for the lives of migrants, "said Jamaluddin.

Construction and development of transmigration areas strived to be the frontline in improving national economic growth and welfare of the community at large. Namely, not only provide improved community welfare at the site of transmigration, but also capable of contributing to economic development both start from the scope of the district, county / city, provincial and national levels.

Sumber : http://ekonomi.inilah.com/read/detail/1870086/pemerintah-yakin-transmigrasi-masih-diminati

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